Cookie Policy

Last Updated: 31 August 2018

This Cookie Policy (" Cookie Policy " or " Policy ") applies to the websites that Dluxdays. runs or makes available to you in some other way (the " Site/s " and " us " or " we ", respectively). By going to the Site and using it, you agree to the use of cookies as stated in this Policy.

We make it clear that we can change this Policy at any time. If this Cookie Policy changes in a big way, you will be told about it on the Site/s. Please check back to this page from time to time for the most up-to-date information on how we handle your privacy. By using the website after these changes have been made, you agree to be bound by them. If you don't agree with the terms of this Policy, the only thing you can do is stop using the Site or set your computer to reject cookies.

This Cookie Policy is an important part of our Privacy Policy, and all of the terms and definitions used and described in the Privacy Policy will also apply to this Policy. This Policy talks about:

  • What are cookies?
  • Which cookies are utilized when using the Site?
  • How third parties use website data
  • Your choice of cookies
  • Interest-Related Marketing
  1. What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that stays in your online browser and lets the Site or a third party remember you as a visitor but not as a person. Cookies can be used to do the following: (1) make certain functions work; (2) collect data; (3) remember your choices; and (4) serve ads and show you ads based on how you use the site.

There are both temporary cookies and cookies that last longer. When you stop your computer, a session cookie is quickly thrown away. A permanent cookie will stay on your computer until its expiration date or until you delete all of the cookies from your browser. Some cookies can only be used for a few minutes, while others can be used for a long time. Cookies placed by the website you are currently viewing are sometimes called "first-party cookies," while cookies placed by third parties are sometimes called "third-party cookies."

Pixel tags and cookies are often used together on websites. Pixel tags, which are also called web beacons or clear GIFs, are usually embedded pictures that are clear. Together with cookies, these pixels are used to track how people who got to their websites through their services use them. For example, we or our business partners may use pixel tags to track how people use the Site/s or to understand how people get to partners' sites from our Site/s. Pixel tags may also be used for retargeting, as explained in the Privacy Statement, or for other interest-based advertising, as explained in Section 5 below.

  1. Why are cookies used when I visit the Site?

When you use the Site or engage with the services, we or a third party may put a number of cookies in your browser. Some cookies will only be used if you use certain features or choose certain settings. Other cookies will be used for longer-term reasons, as explained in our Privacy Policy.

Each cookie is used for one of the following:

  • Essential Cookies: These first-party cookies let users do things like (i) stay logged in or (ii) make purchases on the site.
  • Analytics Cookies: These cookies keep track of how the Site/s are used so that we can improve them and report on how well we do. Also, we might use tracking cookies to test new ads, pages, or features to see how people react to them. First-party or third-party cookies can be used for statistics.
  • Preference Cookies: These first-party cookies remember what you like on a Website.
  • Ad Targeting Cookies: These third-party cookies, also called "behavioral" or "targeted" advertising, are put by advertising platforms or networks to do two things: (i) deliver ads and track how well they perform, and (ii) let advertising networks deliver ads that may be useful to you based on what you do.
  1. How do third-party sites utilize cookies?

Cookies are often used by analytics, Third Party providers, and advertising networks to collect anonymous information about users. They could use this information to learn more about what people did on the Site and on other websites they went to soon after.

  1. What cookie options do I have?

If you don't like cookies or certain kinds of cookies, you can change your browser's settings so that it deletes already-set cookies and won't let you set any more. Visit the browser's help pages to learn more about how to do this. Note, though, that if you remove or don't accept cookies, you might not be able to use all of our services, you might not be able to save your settings, and some of our pages might not look right.

You can also choose not to accept cookies from third parties by following the steps in each third party's privacy policy.

  1. How do you handle cookies?

Our Cookie Policy says that cookies make it possible for you to get the most out of our website and services. If you turn off cookies, there is a chance that some parts of our website won't work right.

How to disable cookies used for behaviorally targeted advertising

If you are worried about behaviorally targeted advertising cookies, which serve you ads based on how you use the Website and other websites, you can find out more at in the European Union or at http:/ / in the United States.

How to enable and disable cookies via browser

The Google Chrome web browser:

  • In the toolbar of the browser, click the gear symbol. Choose Settings. Select 'Show advanced settings'. Click the 'Content settings' option under the "Privacy" section.
  • In the "Cookies" box, choose "Allow local data to be set" to accept both first-party and third-party cookies. To enable just first-party cookies, choose 'Block all third-party cookies without exception'.
  • Choose 'Block sites from setting any data' under the "Cookies" section to turn off cookies.
  • Chrome allows you to activate and deactivate cookies at different levels. For more details on Chrome's extra cookie settings, see this Google page:

Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 by Microsoft

  • From the 'Tools' menu at the top of your browser window, choose 'Internet Options' >> Go to the 'Privacy' tab in the settings box.
  • Activate cookies by adjusting the slider to 'Medium' or below.
  • In order to deactivate all cookies, move the toggle to the highest position.
  • Keep in mind that Explorer allows you to activate and deactivate cookies at several levels. Further details regarding the cookie settings accessible in Internet Explorer may be found on Microsoft's website at

Microsoft's Edge browser

  • Select Settings >> after clicking the More actions button on the toolbar.Look for "View advanced settings" and choose it.Choose Don't block cookies (the default) or Block just third-party cookies under the Cookies section >> relaunch edge.

Mozilla Firefox

  • From the 'Tools' menu of the browser, choose 'Options' >> Opt for the Privacy panel.
  • Click the Accept cookies from sites option to activate cookies.
  • Deactivate cookies by unchecking the 'Accept cookies for sites' option.
  • Keep in mind that Firefox has many degrees for enabling and disabling cookies. For further information, see the Mozilla website at and deactivating cookies


  • From the browser's 'Settings' menu, choose 'Setting' > 'Quick Preferences'.
  • Press the "Enable Cookies" button to accept cookies.
  • To turn off cookies, uncheck the "Enable Cookies" box.
  • Keep in mind that Opera provides several degrees of cookie enablement and disablement. About the additional cookie settings in Opera, see the Opera Software page at

Safari on OS X

  • Choose 'Preferences' after selecting 'Safari' from the menu bar.Select "Security."
  • To allow cookies, choose 'Only from sites you go to' under the 'Accept cookies' area.
  • To deactivate cookies, choose 'Never' under the 'Accept cookies' option.
  • Safari allows you to activate and deactivate cookies at different levels. For more on Safari's other cookie settings, see Apple's website at

Every other browser

  • Please get in touch with the browser's supplier or use the "help" feature of the browser.
  1. How do you manage cookies?

The majority of web browsers are set up by default to accept cookies. As mentioned above, you may change the settings to either prevent cookies or get notifications when cookies are transmitted to your device.

Please be advised that your experience on the Site may be impacted if you deactivate the cookies that we use. For example, you may not be able to access certain sections of the website or you might not get information or material that is tailored to you when you visit the website.

To learn more about the cookies this website uses, see this link.

  1. Interest-Based Promotion

We and third parties use interest-based advertising supplied by suppliers to show you ads and customized content that we and other advertisers think you'll find interesting. The Site has no control over how this technology is used or the information that is produced for online, mobile, or email advertising by third parties, and it is not liable for their policies or conduct to the extent that these parties utilize cookies or other technologies to carry out these services.

For any questions or issues about our Cookie Use Policy, please email [email protected].

Cookies from third-party websites


We utilize a variety of Google LLC products and features. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, United States of America; "Google").

  • Google Analytical Services
    • We use Google Analytics's analytic technologies in our services. "Cookies" are text files that are placed on your computer by Google Analytics to help the website evaluate how you use it. On servers located in the US, Google will send and retain the data produced by the cookie about how you use the website, including your IP address.
    • Please be aware that the Google Analytics implementation on this website uses the function "gat._anonymize();" to guarantee the anonymous collection of IP addresses (also known as IP-masking).
    • If the option to anonymize IP addresses is selected, Google will anonymize the last octet of IP addresses for EU members as well as other parties to the EEA Agreement. Under rare cases, Google servers in the United States get the whole IP address and abbreviate it. In order to assess how you use the website, provide reports on website activity for website managers, and offer additional services to the website provider on website activity and internet use, Google will utilize this information on behalf of the website provider. Your IP address won't be connected by Google to any other data it maintains. You may set your browser to reject cookies so they won't be used. Please be aware that you may not be able to use all of this website's features if you do so. Another way to stop Google from gathering and using your information (IP address and cookies) is to install the browser plug-in that may be found at
    • You may use the following link to choose not to use Google Analytics. An opt-out cookie will be installed on your computer when you visit this website in order to stop your data from being collected in the future:
    • Disable Google Analytics
    • Additional information regarding the terms of service and data privacy is available at and Please be aware that on this website, Google Analytics has been enhanced with the anonymizing code "anonymizeIp" to assure an anonymous accumulation of IP addresses (also known as IP masking).
  • Dynamic Remarketing by Google
    • We advertise our website on the Internet using Google Dynamic Remarketing, particularly on the Google Display Network. Through the installation of a cookie on your computer, dynamic remarketing will show you ads depending on the pages you have visited on our websites. This cookie doesn't provide anybody access to your computer or mobile device or identify who you are. By using a cookie, other websites might be informed, "This user has visited a specific page; therefore, show them ads related to that page." We can customize our marketing to your needs and only show you relevant advertisements thanks to Google Dynamic Remarketing.
    • You can opt out of Google's use of cookies on our site by visiting Google's Ads Settings page. For additional information, please visit Google's "Privacy Policy".
  • The Google AdWords.
    • To advertise our website online, particularly on Google search, we utilize Google AdWords.
    • You can opt out of Google's use of cookies on our site by visiting Google's Ads Settings page. For additional information, please visit Google's "Privacy Policy".
  • Google's DoubleClick service
    • DoubleClick uses cookies to provide interest-based advertising. Cookies are used to determine which advertising is seen in your browser and if you have ever clicked on an advertisement to visit a website. No personally identifying information is stored by cookies. You can opt out of Google's use of cookies to deliver interest-based ads by visiting Google's Ads Settings. For additional information, please visit Google's "Privacy Policy"


Facebook Inc. (1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304, U.S.A., "Facebook") provides retargeting tags and Custom Audience.

  • Facebook Custom Audiences
    • We use the Facebook Custom Audiences tool to target online ads based on interests. For this reason, a non-reversible and non-personal checksum (hash value) is generated using your use data. Facebook may get this hash value for marketing and analytical uses. Information we gather about you on our website includes things like the subpages you visit and the browsing habits you use. Furthermore, your IP address is shared and put to use in geotargeting advertisements. Since the gathered data is anonymous to us and is only sent encrypted to Facebook, we are unable to examine the personal data of specific individuals.
    • Please visit and for more information about Facebook's and Custom Audience's respective privacy policies. If you do not want data acquisition via Custom Audience, you can disable Custom Audience here.
  • Facebook Exchange FBX
    • Your browser and the Facebook server create a direct link when you visit our websites using remarketing components. Based on your IP address, Facebook discovers that you have visited our website. This enables Facebook to link your account to your visit to our website. It is possible to show Facebook ads using this information. We would like to make it clear that, as the website's provider, we are unaware of the sent data's content or how Facebook uses it.
  • Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel
    • With the help of this tool, we may monitor user behavior after a click on a Facebook advertising that directs them to a provider's website. As a result, we may monitor Facebook ad performance for statistical and market research reasons. The information gathered is kept private. This implies that we are unable to examine any user's personal data. Facebook does, however, keep and handle the information gathered. This information is being provided to you based on what we currently know. Facebook may use the information for its own advertising purposes and connect it to your Facebook account in compliance with Facebook's privacy standards, which are available at and its partners may also show advertisements on and off, thanks to Facebook Conversion Tracking. Furthermore, your computer will keep a cookie for this reason.
    • You agree to the data processing related to the Facebook pixel integration by using this website.
    • If you would like to revoke your consent, please visit


  • Hotjar Ltd (Level 2, St Julians Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julians ST1000, Malta, Europe) offers the analysis and feedback platform Hotjar. It helps us to see visitor comments and behavior online. Hotjar uses a surveillance code to collect your data and sends it to secure cloud servers hosted in Ireland by Amazon Web Services. The following information might be gathered by your web browser and device:
  • The IP address of your device, which is gathered and saved in an anonymous manner; the size of the device's screen; the kind of device (a unique identification); the browser information; the location (only the nation); and the desired language that is shown on the page.
  • We use this data to improve the way our website works, making it more useful, simple to use, and navigable for you.

Use a 'Do Not Track' header to prevent Hotjar from collecting your information when visiting a Hotjar website at any time. You can learn more about how to accomplish this by clicking here. For additional information, please visit Hotjar's "Privacy Policy"


We track page visits and activities on our services using technology from Outbrain, Inc. (39 West 13th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10011, Attention: Legal Department, "Outbrain"). Because of this, we are able to target people with similar interests with our advertising campaigns.

You have the option to prevent Outbrain from collecting your information when you visit an Outbrain website. You can learn more about how to do so by selecting here (unsubscribe icon). For additional information, please visit Outbrain's "Privacy Policy"


On this website, we employ technology from Marketo, Inc. ("Marketo"), whose offices are at 901 Mariners Island Boulevard, Suite #500 (Reception), San Mateo, CA 94404 USA. This enables us to promote our website to businesses that may be interested in appearing on it.

You have the option to prevent Marketo from collecting your information when you visit a Marketo website. To learn more about how to accomplish this, click here (scroll to the bottom of the page). For more information, please refer to Marketo's "Privacy Policy"


Our website uses technology from Taboola, Inc. (Offices: 1115 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010, "Taboola") to track page visits and user activity. Because of this, we are able to target people with similar interests with our advertising campaigns.

You have the option to prevent Taboola from collecting your information when you visit a Taboola website. You can learn more about how to accomplish this by clicking here. To learn more, please visit Taboola's Cookie Policy.


We monitor our site applications using technology from AdNow, Inc. (Offices at Adnow LLP, Las Suite, 5 Percy Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 1 Dg, UK Partnership No. OC 390789, "AdNow"). This helps us to diagnose browser-related problems and improve the functionality of our website when viewed online.

You can prevent AdNow from collecting your information by configuring your web browser's "do not track" settings. For more information, see AdNow's "Privacy Policy".


Technologies from Quantic Mind, Inc. ("Quantic Mind"), with offices at 935 Main St., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, are used on this website to track click-outs. Because of this, we are able to target people with similar interests with our advertising campaigns.

You have the option to prevent Quantum Mind from collecting your information when you visit a Quantum Mind website. You can learn more about how to do so by selecting here (and scrolling to the section titled "Your Choices Regarding Your Information"). For more information, please refer to Quantic Mind's "Privacy Policy"


We track pageviews on this website using services from Gemini, Inc. ("Yahoo"), with offices at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94089. Because of this, we are able to target people with similar interests with our advertising campaigns.

You have the option to prevent Gemini from collecting your information when you visit a Gemini website. You can learn more about how to accomplish this by clicking here. For additional information, please consult Gemini's "Privacy Policy"


This website tracks page visits using technology provided by Yandex, Inc. ("Yandex"), with offices at 82 Sadovnicheskaya Ulitsa, building 2, Moscow, Russia 115035. This makes it possible for us to improve customer offerings and optimize our advertising efforts.

For additional details, please visit Yandex's "Privacy Policy"


We employ technology from Callbox, Inc. ("Callbox") to record the user's landing page and any further sites they view, as well as any information sent along with the visit (Offices: 877 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Suite 100 Severna Park, MD 21146 USA). In addition, it logs the phone numbers that users see on the website, their IP address, and their browser information. This enables us to check our partners' billing procedures and adjust our phone-based ad campaigns to guarantee their quality and billing.

You have the option to prevent Callbox from collecting your information when you visit a Callbox website. Click here for more information (scroll down to the "Behavioral Targeting / Re-Targeting**" section). Visit Callbox's "Privacy Policy" (scroll down to "Cookies and Tracking Technology**") for additional information.


This website uses technology from ZoomAnalytics, Inc. ("ZoomAnalytics"), whose offices are at 9 Hakfar, Kiryat-Ono, ISR 5552505. This makes it possible for us to improve customer offerings and optimize our advertising efforts.

For additional information, please visit ZoomAnalytics's "Privacy Policy"


On this website, we employ technology from New Relic, Inc. ("New Relic"), whose offices are at 188 Spear St., Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94105. This helps us to diagnose browser-related problems and improve the functionality of our website when viewed online.

You can prevent New Relic from collecting your information by using the "do not track" settings on your web browser. For more information, please visit New Relic's "Privacy Policy".

List of third parties with access to data via our partners' websites: