Privacy Policy - Summary

Privacy Policy - Summary

We at care a lot about our users' privacy. As a result, we have created and are always improving a privacy compliance system that gives our users the ability to view data and make legal claims about privacy.

The goal of our privacy policy is to make sure you know what information we collect, how we use it, and what kind of control you have over how certain information is changed. The table below gives you a quick overview of our whole privacy statement.

If you go to our website, you have to follow our rules about privacy. The goal of this outline is to tell you the most important things in a simple and concise way. But the full version of our privacy policy is the one that the law says we have to follow.

How We Collect and Use Information: When you visit our websites, we collect information about your visit, how you interact with the content, the site you came from and the site you are going to, as well as more technical information about the device and system you are using to access the services. If you use a "click to call" tool we may offer, the phone number from which the call came may be saved for up to three months.

The information is used to run our websites, give you services, improve them over time, keep track of analytics and statistics, and work out payment problems with our business partners, such as clients, buyers, and advertisers.

We won't give out your information unless the law says we have to or if it's important for you to use our websites and services.

We highly suggest that you read, understand, and check back on our full privacy policy from time to time. If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected].

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 30, 2018

This privacy policy (the "Policy") is meant to explain how Dluxdays (registered at) ("we," "our," or "us") collects and uses data in relation to the website at (along with its subdomains, features, and services, the "Site") and your use or involvement with any feature, content, offer, element, or service we make available to you through the Site (the "Service"). The section and sub-part titles below are for reading ease only and should not be used to figure out what they mean. We hope they make it easier to get around this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time and for any reason we choose. In that case, the updated Privacy Policy will be put on the Site, and the "Last Updated" section will show the date that the updated version went into effect. If you use the Site after this date, you are agreeing to and accepting the new Privacy Statement. If we make big changes, we'll let you know in a more obvious way, like by putting a message on the Site, seven (7) days before they go into effect. If that happens, the changes will take place seven (7) days after the notice is made public.

1. Terms of Use

2. Information We Collect

3. Consent, Choice, and Modifications

4. Purposes for the collection of information

5. Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

6. Links to and Interaction with Third Party Properties

7. Access and Accuracy; Deletion

8. Choices and Opt-Outs

9. Information Security

10. Children's Privacy

11. Non-US Users

12. Commitment

13. Contact Us

1. Terms of Use.The Terms of Service (the "Terms"), which you can read at Terms Of Service, include this Privacy Statement. Any term in this Privacy Statement that starts with a capital letter but doesn't have a definition will have the same meaning as it does in the Terms.

2. Information We Collect.When you use the Site or Services, we may collect the following information about your visit and use of the Site and Services:

2.1. Information That You Provide.To use certain Services, you will have to give or send certain Personal Information. Some of the features and/or services that require you to give Personal Information require your specific and active consent (for example, newsletters that may become available on certain Sites from time to time, promotional materials and forms), while others will be collected if you agree to this Privacy Policy, as explained below.

In the context of this Privacy Statement, "Personal Information" means information that can be used alone or with other information to identify a person, such as a first and last name, email address, phone number, home or other physical address, and other contact information. Depending on how we use the data and where you live, the IP address that your ISP gives your device may also be considered Personal Information. But we do not use these data to find out who is using the site or to make it more personal.

2.1.1. Forms and Services Provided by a Third Party:The Site lists, ranks, and compares a wide range of third-party companies, brands, and commercial organizations ("Partners") and their goods and/or services ("Products") in a way that is easy to understand. We may give you offers, services, and Products from Partners through an online form that you have to fill out. This will depend on your choice and agreement, and the information you give will be used to help you connect and/or work with the appropriate Partner ("Lead"). Also, if you want more information about a Partner or a Product, or if you want to do business with a Partner, and you click on the relevant Partner icon or tab, you may be sent to a landing page or a website that is run and maintained by the Partner (the "Landing Page"). You may also be sent to the Landing Page by other websites and online searches. In either case, you may have to give details on the Landing Page, such as your name, email address, and phone number ("Landing Page Info"), such as your name, email address, and phone number. The Partner who gave you the Landing Page Information collects the information directly, and each Partner has its own privacy policy and ways of collecting information. We suggest that you read this privacy policy to learn more about how your personal information will be collected and used.

2.1.2. Contact us: If you send us a "Contact Us" or similar message, you might have to give us your name and email address. You can do this by filling out an online form we provide, sending an email to an email address we show, using a feedback or reporting feature on the Site, or any other way. This information, including the content of your approach, will be used to handle your request and respond to it, as well as for our valid business needs, which are explained in Sections 4 and 5 of this Privacy Statement.

2.1.3.Blogs, newsletters, surveys, and promotions comprise: The website may have a blog area, reviews, and pieces with information about our services, Partners, Products, and the relevant market vertical. You may also be able to sign up for newsletters, take part in polls and other marketing activities through the Site. Some of these activities may be run by us, while others may be run by third-party services with whom we have a deal. In all of these situations, such as leaving a message on a blog site, signing up for a magazine, or filling out a poll, you may be asked for Personal Information like your name and email address. In this case, the information you give will be sent directly to the third party and used according to this privacy statement and the third party's own privacy statement.

2.2. Information We Collect from You. We collect information about how you use the Services and how you engage with the Site and the Services in the ways and for the reasons listed below.

2.2.1. Device Specific Information: We get information about the device, like the type and version of the device, the type of operating system, the language, and the version. We also get information that can be gotten from a user agent, like the type and version of the web browser, the display resolution, and the language, location, and time zone.

2.2.2. Interactions and Application: In order to provide the Services, run the Site, and improve it so that it works well with our Partners and affiliates, we collect information about how you interact with and use the Services. This includes URLs from which you were directed to the Site and to which you are referred from the Site, internal URLs of the Site in which you checked out and took actions related to the Services (like view or click), date/time stamps of Site use, and times for views and clicks.

2.2.3. Log Files: We get information from server log files and from tracking tools like pixel tags that we put in the Site. We do this to look for trends, keep track of how people use the website and its services, and put together traffic data. One piece of information that may be recorded is the Internet Protocol (IP) address that your Internet Service Provider gives to your computer. We only collect IP for a certain amount of time and for certain reasons. One goal is to learn more about your location (country, area, and language) so that the Services can be given to you in your original language and in a way that fits your country. Second, we use automatic tools to find IP addresses that are being used to commit fraud ("Anti-Fraud Purposes").

2.2.4. Cookies and Comparable Technologies. The Site may use "cookies" and other private web tracking technologies (like "web beacons" and "pixel tags") that we or third-party service providers use. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer when you view a web page. It is made up of a string of characters. The cookie lets the website know which browser you're using the next time you go there. Cookies can remember your online choices and other details about how you use a site. You can set up your computer to refuse all cookies or let you know when one is sent. But some Site features or services might not work well without cookies, and you might not be able to use them if they don't.

Please look at our Cookie Policy for more information about the types of cookies we use and how we use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website.

2.3. Information we receive from Third Parties.The Site and the Services, like many other Internet-based services, are run and provided with the help of third parties, such as Partners, partners, and other third parties. We might get information from third parties, like an internal user identifier that our system gives each user (not a unique identifier) and a description of the steps you've taken (click, purchase, view, form entry, or phone call), to make this kind of synchronization easier and possible. On some websites, you will be able to use the Service with a "click-by-call" method. In these cases, a third-party provider helps with call transfer, call tracking, and comments on call success. In these cases, the phone number you called from may be shared with us (without any other personal information) for a limited time and to help our Partners with leads and calls that went well. We don't use this information for anything else, unless you tell us you want us to.

3. Consent, Option, and Alterations.You are not forced by law to give us your personal information, and you know that you do so on your own accord. You are not forced to use the Site in any way, either. By using the Site and dealing with or using the Services, you agree to this Privacy Statement and the ways we use the information we get from you. If you don't agree with this Privacy Statement, please don't use the Site or Services in any way or access them at all.

You have to give Personal Information to get certain Services. In this case, you can choose to use these Services or not. Be aware that you can change your mind at any time, even if you've already given us your Personal Information. For more information on checking out and changing your mind, see section 8.

4. The Way We Use Personal Information. In addition to the other uses listed in this Privacy Policy for the data we collect, which includes Personal Information (collectively called "your Information"), we also use Personal Information in the following ways:

To provide you with the Site and Services and keep improving them. We will use the information you give us to: (a) handle and make the Site and Services available to you; (b) improve and make the Site and Services better in general; (c) count and analyze referrals and ads (as defined in section 5); (d) confirm that users are real people and keep an eye out for fraud; (e) answer your questions and interact with you in other ways; (f) identify or verify your access to and use of the Site.

5.Sharing Your Information with Third Parties. We don't give out any of your personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:

5.1.Data Storage and Security Platforms (" Data Platforms "); We use third-party cloud and storing services to store and keep your information. It means that we send or share your information with third parties anywhere in the world, including the United States, so that they can keep it for us or use it in other ways. Some of these organizations may be Webtropia, Amazon Web Services, and Xplenty, all of which are Privacy Shield certified (more information is available here). There could be one of these Data Platforms anywhere on Earth. We use Data Platforms that have strict privacy and data security policies and follow any data protection rules that are in place. Still, their actions and ways of doing things are completely controlled by their own privacy rules.

5. 2. Social Media Platforms. We may share non-identifying information with social media sites (like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) for marketing and running our business. These social media platforms may take your Personal Information on their own, with your permission, and may mix it with the unnamed information we give them with your Personal Information they collect on their own. Any such activity and any personally identifying information that might come out of it are controlled by the social media's own privacy rules, which we don't know or control.

5.3. Other Third Parties. We might send or otherwise share your Information with third parties who help us run our business, like customer service reps and companies that manage email or phone calls. These people help us figure out how our users use the Site and Services so we can improve them. These third parties can follow their own privacy policies, and we expect them to make them available whenever they provide services. We recommend that you read these privacy policies again when these third parties give you services directly. Also, these third parties and their computers could be anywhere in the world.

5.4. Enforcement.We may give your Personal Information to a third party if we think it's reasonable to do so in order to: (a) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or government request; (b) enforce our Terms of Service, including investigating possible violations; (c) identify, prevent, or solve fraud or security issues; and/or (d) protect against imminent harm to the rights, property, or safety of our company, our users, or the public as required or permitted by law.

5.5. Partners and Products.If you want more information about a certain service or another, you can fill out an online form (an "Online Form") and send it through the Services. In this case, we can send your Online Form information to the Partner about whom (or whose Product) you asked for more information or with whom you expressed interest in working together (the "Corresponding Partner" and "Corresponding Product," respectively) so that the Corresponding Partner can get in touch with you with the information you asked for. Let's say that the information you filled out on an Online Form wasn't related to a specific Partner or Product that you clicked on. In that case, we can send or share your Online Forms information with a Partner that offers similar services or goods to what you asked for. In any case, you agree to the following: (a) Partners can contact you using the information you put on the Online Form; (b) We have no control over how or why a Partner contacts you; (c) Each Partner must have its own privacy policy, so it might not follow this Privacy Policy; and (d) Partners could be based (and their servers could be located) all over the world.

5. 6. Merger, Dirty or Bankruptcy. We reserve the right to send or give away Personal Information and other information we've gathered or been given if we or one of our related entities is bought by or combined with a third party, or if all or part of our/its assets are sold to a third party. In that case, we will ask the new owner to tell you how it handles your data and what your rights are in your area.

We may also share non-personal information with the following types of third parties and under the following conditions:

5.7 Third parties that we hire, host, or who give us services and features that we can offer to you collect data from the Site and how people use the content and features on our behalf or to provide their services. This happens when we use or install technology, a service, or a feature from a third party, or when we give these third parties access to our Site or technology for specific reasons, as explained in our Privacy Statement and on the Site. We might use apps like Google Analytics and Tableau to do this. By keeping track of page content, clicks/touches, mouse moves, scrolling, and typing, these tools help us figure out how people use our website and services. These tools have their own rules about how they handle your personal information, and they may use their own cookies to do their jobs. For further information about cookies, please see our Cookie Policy. Click here for further information about Google cookies. Click here to opt out of Google Analytics.

7. Access and Accuracy; Deletion. We don't keep your information in a way that lets us figure out who you are unless it's one of the situations and uses and goals listed in this Privacy Statement. So, if you want to see, change, or delete your Information, you can only do so if you gave it to us or used a Service that needed us to receive Personal Information. Contact us at [email protected] if you want to look at, change, or get rid of any Personal Information we may have about you. It could take up to 30 work days to handle your request.

8. Options and Opt-Outs. You can choose whether or not to share your information with us for the reasons listed in this Privacy Statement. You can use your rights at any time when it comes to your Personal Information and the place where you live. For example (when it's relevant and useful):

8.1.Cookies and tracking technologies. You can set up your computer to avoid and/or block cookies from the Site or third-party services (for more information, see Section 2.2.4).

8.2. Review, change, or ask that your personal information be taken off of our computers (for more information, see Section 7).

8.3. California's Privacy Protections. Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code says that our customers in California can ask for specific information about how we share Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing by those third parties. If you want to do this, please send an email to [email protected].

8.4. Rights of EU Data Subjects. Any personal information gathered in accordance with this Privacy Statement is handled and treated in line with the GDPR. As a user in the EU, you can: Get access to the personal information we keep about you. To make sure that you are who you say you are, we will need you to show us certain proofs. If you find that your Personal Information isn't correct, full, or up-to-date, please tell us what we need to know to make the changes.

If you want to stop letting us use your personal information, please get in touch with us. This right doesn't change the fact that processing based on agreement before it was withdrawn is allowed.

Ask for your personal information to be removed or for access to it to be limited. If you use one (or more) of the rights listed above in accordance with the law, you can ask to be told that third parties who hold your Personal Information will act in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

You have the right to say no if your personal information is used for direct marketing.

Have the right to make a complaint with a data protection monitoring body.

8.5. If you are a Canadian resident, you can ask for certain details about the Personal Information we share with third parties for their direct marketing reasons. If you want to do this, please send an email to [email protected].

If you have any other questions about your personal information, please email [email protected] to get in touch with our Privacy Compliance Team.

9. Information Security. We and third-party services/affiliate companies use data security systems and processes to protect the information that is sent, processed, and kept on the Site, our computer servers, and systems. For example, the Site and all information in transit are encrypted with SSL, we review our information and data collection practices on a regular basis to make sure they are always being monitored, we use third-party processing and serving services that implement various information security standards and certifications (at rest and in transit), and we monitor and filter access to data for our organization's employees. These systems and processes make it less likely that security holes will happen, but they don't make sure that nothing bad will happen. On the global network, there is no such thing as total security. So, we can't promise that the Site and our computers can't be used by people who shouldn't to steal information or cause other problems with information security. If you have any questions about how secure the Site is, you can email us at [email protected].

10. Privacy of Children. The Website and Services are not for people younger than 16 years old. So, we have no plans to get personal information from anyone we know to be younger than 16 years old. If we find out that we have Personal Information from a person under the age of 16, we will delete that information as soon as we can. If you think we might have this information, please email us at [email protected].

11. Non-US Users. We can send your data (including Personal Information) outside of the country where it was gathered or where you live (e.g., to the United States), even to a country that may not have the same level of security for Personal Information as your country of residence. In this case, we make sure that all contractual protections (like checking Privacy Shield Certification) are in place to make sure that your Information is handled in a way that offers an acceptable level of security when shared with or among our third-party providers. By giving Personal Information and using the Services, you agree that it can be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that it can be sent to a country outside of your own, like the United States.

12. Dedication.Online privacy protection is a practice that is always changing, and we do everything we can to make sure that our website meets these standards and best practices in all places where it is available.

13. Contact Us.We've tried to keep this Privacy Statement clear and easy to understand. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Also, if you live in the UK, you can go to to file a complaint with the ICO.