Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE ACCESSING AND/OR USING ANY PART OF THIS SITE. "Site" refers to www.parieravis.fr and all of its subdomains, Content, and Marks. Before you use this website, please read these Terms of Service carefully so you know what your legal rights and duties are with Dluxdays. ("company", "we", "our", or "us"). be legally bound by these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, which you can read by clicking here (the "Terms"). So long as it's not against the law, you're giving up your right to require an original (non-electronic) signing or the delivery or keeping of paper records. Please don't go to the Site or use it if you don't agree to these rules.

1. Amendment. We reserve the right to change these Terms whenever we want, for any reason. These changes will take effect ten (10) days after the updated Terms are posted on the Site. If you continue to use the Site after that, it means you agree to the changes.

2. Capacity to accept conditions. Only people over the age of eighteen (18) can use the Site. If you are under 18, you are not allowed to use or visit the Site.

3. Site Access. We give you permission to visit and use the Site as long as these Terms are in effect, as long as you follow these Terms and any other laws that apply.

4. Restrictions. You can't: (i) copy, distribute, or change any part of the Site without our written permission; (ii) use, modify, create derivative works of, transfer (by sale, resale, license, sublicense, download, or other means), reproduce, distribute, display, or disclose Content (as defined below), except as expressly allowed here; (iii) stop servers or networks connected to the Site from working; (v) use or launch any automated system, including, but not limited to “robots”.

5. Protecting intellectual property.

5.1. Content and Grading. The (i) text, documents, articles, brochures, descriptions, products, software, graphics, photos, sounds, videos, interactive features, and services on the Site (collectively, the "Materials"), (ii) User Submissions, as defined below (collectively, the "Content"), and (iii) trademarks, service marks, and logos on the Site ("Marks") are the property of related company and/or its licensors. The Site, its image, and other marks are trademarks of a linked company or one of its affiliates. All of the other trademarks, service marks, and names used on this page belong to their owners. We keep all rights to the Site and the Content that aren't given outright.

5.2. Applying Content. Content on the Site is only for your information and personal use. You may not change, copy, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, license, decompile, reverse engineer, or use it in any other way (including making derivative works) without our written permission. You must keep all notices of copyright and other private information if you download or print a copy of the Content.

6. Third-Party Content and Sources.

6.1. The Site lets you see, read, link to, and use material from Third Party Sources (see below) that is neither ours nor under our control ("Third Party Content"). You may also be able to talk to Third Party Sources and connect with them through the Site. "Third Party Source(s)" refers to (i) websites and services of third parties and (ii) our partners and customers.

6.2. Third Party Sources don't answer to anyone. We are not responsible for Third Party Sources' material, terms of service, privacy policies, acts, or practices. Before you do something like this, please read the terms of service and privacy rules of any Third Party Sources you use.

6.3.We make no promises about the truth, fitness, usefulness, safety, or Intellectual Property Rights (which are explained below) of or related to Third Party Content.

6.4. By using the Site, you may see Third Party Content that is wrong, insulting, obscene, or otherwise not good. You can always choose to talk to a Third Party Source or look at and use Third Party Content. Your interactions with Third Party Sources, use of Third Party Content, and dependence on that content are all up to you and at your own risk.

6.5. Your transactions with Third Party Sources are your sole duty and risk. You agree to give up any legal or fair rights or remedies you might have against the affiliated company, and you are giving up those rights and remedies right now. You also release the affiliated company from any and all liability that comes from your use of and contact with Third Party Content and Third Party Sources. You agree to contact the Third Party Source directly if you have any questions or issues about a Third Party Source or any Third Party Content.

7. User Submissions.

7.1. Responsibility. You and other users may be able to post, store, share, and publish content ("User Submissions") on the Site. You agree that, whether or not these User Submissions are released, we can't promise that they won't be seen by anyone else. You are the only one who is responsible for your User Submissions and what happens when they are posted, published, or uploaded. We reserve the right to monitor, limit, edit, remove, delete, and/or remove any and all Content placed on the Site, including User Submissions, for any reason and at any time, at our sole discretion and without further notice to you.

7.2. Ownership. You represent and promise that you own or have the appropriate rights and permissions to use and allow the Site to use all Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below) in and to your User Submissions, and to allow their inclusion and use in line with the Site and these Terms. All mentions to Content in this text, unless the User Submissions are directly mentioned, include the User Submissions. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights, titles, and interests, foreign or domestic, in and to any and all trade secrets, patents, copyrights, service marks, trademarks, know-how, or similar intellectual property rights, as well as any and all moral rights, rights of privacy, publicity, and similar rights of any kind under the laws or rules of any foreign or domestic government, regulatory, or judicial authority. You will always own all of the User Submissions you make.

7.3. License for User Contributions. By sending the User Submissions to the affiliated company, you give it a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, make derivative works of, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the Site and the company's business, including, but not limited to, redistributing part or all of your User Submissions (and derivative works of them) in any media form. You also give each user of the Site or other watcher or user of the User Submission a non-exclusive license to use, copy, share, make derivative works of, show, and perform such User Submissions in accordance with these Terms.

7.4. Prohibited Material. You agree that you will not display, share, submit, publish, upload, or send a User Submission that: (i) is unfair or misleading under the customer protection laws of any jurisdiction; (ii) is copyrighted, protected by trade secret, or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, such as privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights; (iii) violates the intellectual property rights of a third party; or (iv) violates the rights of a minor. (iii) puts someone's safety or health at risk, puts public safety or health at risk, threatens national security, or gets in the way of a police investigation; (iv) pretends to be someone else; (v) promotes illegal drugs, breaks export control laws, deals with illegal gambling or illegal arms trafficking; (vi) is illegal, defamatory, libelous, dangerous, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages behavior that would be considered a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, breaks any law, or is inappropriate; (vii) involves theft or terrorism; or (viii)

7.5. Exposure. You agree that when you access and use the Site: (i) you will be exposed to User Submissions from a variety of sources, and the company is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or Intellectual Property Rights of, or related to, such User Submissions; and (ii) you may be exposed to User Submissions that are wrong, offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable. For clauses (i) and (ii) of this agreement, you are giving up any legal or moral rights or remedies you may have against the linked company.

8. Description of Information. We try to be as accurate as possible. But we can't and won't promise that the Site's content is correct, complete, reliable, up to date, or free of mistakes. We reserve the right to change the Content, or any part of it, at any time and for any reason, without having to tell you before or after the change. When you use the Content or any part of it, you do so at your own risk and are fully responsible for it.

9. Disclosure. We reserve the right to access, read, store, and share any information we get from the Site and your use of it, as we believe is reasonable to (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, subpoena, or governmental request, (ii) enforce the Site Terms, including the investigation of possible violations, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise deal with fraud, security, or technical issues, (iv) respond to user support requests.

10. Links.

10.1. The Site may have links to sites run by other people, and you may be able to post information to those sites. We don't have any control over websites run by other people, and we're not responsible for their content, privacy rules, or how they work. You release the company from any and all responsibility that might come from your use of a third-party website. So, we suggest that you read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of every third-party website you visit.

10.2. You can link to the Site as long as: (i) you only link to one page on the Site and don't link to more than one; (ii) the text of the link must be an exact copy of the Content as it appears on the Site; (iii) you can't lie about your connection to the linked company or give false information about it. You also can't suggest that we like any services or goods unless we've given you our clear permission in advance. iv) You are not allowed to use any meta tags.

11. Privacy. We will use any personal information we get from or about this website according to our privacy policy, which you can read about at Privacy Policy. You agree that we can use any personal information you give us or make public in the way that our Privacy Statement says.

12. Warranty Exclusions.

12.1. This part of the policy applies whether or not the services offered through the Site cost money. If the law in your country doesn't let you get out of certain guarantees, some of the things listed here may not apply.

12.2. The service is given "as is" and "as available" without any written or implied promises of any kind. The company doesn't honor any guarantees, whether they are written or implied. This includes, but isn't limited to, implied promises of suitability, ownership, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as those that come from a law or a course of business or trade practice. The company can't promise that the website won't have any bugs or viruses. Sometimes, the site may not be available because of upkeep, updates, or other issues. You agree that the company is not responsible for any problems you or a third party might have because of technical problems with the internet, slow connections, heavy traffic, or systems that are full.

12.3 . The company doesn't guarantee, support, or warrant any content that comes from a user input. It also doesn't make any claims or promises about this content and doesn't take any responsibility for it.

12.4. You agree that the company is not responsible for any user's submissions or actions, including actions that are defamatory, offensive, illegal, or careless. You also agree that the risk of hurt or damage caused by the above is entirely your duty.

12.5. You use or rely on any site content (including, but not limited to, user entries) or engage with any third party mentioned on the site at your own risk. If you have a disagreement with a third party because of or because of how you use the site, you agree that the company is not responsible for any claims or losses that come from or are connected to that disagreement.

12.6. Except for what's said in our privacy statement, we don't make any promises, warranties, or conditions, either explicit or implied, about the security of the information you give us or the things you do on the site.

12.7. We try to give you useful information about the goods and services we feature or review. But if we want to give you this information for free, we need to find other ways to make money. For example, we might charge third parties who are listed on our website a promotion fee. We might also get a fee every time a user goes through to one or more of these parties and/or buys goods or services from any of them. In all cases, however, the information on our website about a third party will not be affected by how much money the company makes.

13. Restrictions on Liability.

13.1. Even if the company knew about the possibility of such damages or losses, it won't be responsible for any indirect, exemplary, special, significant, or incidental damages of any kind, or for any loss of data, revenue, profits, or reputation, caused by these terms or by your use of or inability to use the website. In some places, it is against the law to limit or exclude responsibility for accidental or consequential losses, so you may not have to follow the rules above.

13.2.In no case will the company be responsible for more than $1,000 in losses because of these terms or because you can't use the site or can't figure out how to use it.

14. Indemnity. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the company, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, costs, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of, or inability to use, the Site; (ii) your User Submissions; (iii) your interactions with other Site users; or (iv) your violation of these Terms.

15. Duration and Expiration. These Terms will stay in place until you or the linked company decides to end them. The Company reserves the right to end these Terms and/or your access to the Site, or any part of it, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, a violation of these Terms. The Company is not responsible to you or anyone else if the Site or any part of it is taken down. If you don't agree with any of these Terms or any changes to them, or if you're not happy with the Site in any way, the only thing you can do is stop using the Site right away. When these rules run out or are no longer valid, you must stop using the website. This Section 15, as well as Sections 5 (Intellectual Property Rights), 7.3 (License to User Submissions), 11 (Privacy), 12 (Disclaimer of Warranties), 13 (Limitation of Liability), 14 (Indemnification), and 16 (Independent Contractors) to 18 (General) will still be in effect after these Terms have ended.

16. Independent Contractors. You and the company are both working for themselves. These Terms do not put you and the company in a partnership, joint venture, job, or agent relationship. You can't give or take any guarantees, promises, agreements, or responsibilities on behalf of the business.

17. Assignment. You can't give or sell these Terms or the rights and powers they give you, but the company can do that without your permission or limit.

18. General. The Company has the right to end the Site or change any part of it at any time. These Terms and your relationship with the company will be controlled by and interpreted according to the laws of the state where the company is based, regardless of the state's conflict of laws rules. These Terms are the only agreement between you and the connected company about the Site. If any part of these Terms is found to be invalid by a court with the right to do so, the validity of the other parts will not change. No party's failure to claim a right or provision under these Terms will be seen as a loss of that right or provision. The same goes for a party's decision not to enforce a right or provision under these Terms. YOU AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION YOU MAY HAVE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE SITE MUST BE STARTED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF WHEN THE CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE.